Is Charcoal Harmful To Dogs? Guide 2023

Medically Reviewed By Pet Expert

Dogs will eat almost anything, including stuff that isn’t good for them. Charcoal is a kind of carbon made from the same element as fossil fuels and gasoline.

It’s not poisonous to dogs, but it can cause some problems if your dog gets into it.

The good news is that eating charcoal won’t hurt your dog. It doesn’t have any nutritional value and can’t be digested anyway; it passes through their system without being broken down further by their enzymes.

But eating charcoal can cause problems and even gastric distress if your dog eats a lot.

The effects of a dog eating charcoal will be explained in greater detail, as well as what you can do if your pet does this.

What Happens When A Dog Eats Charcoal?

When your dog eats charcoal, it passes through his system without further breaking down.

That means that none of the nutrients in the charcoal are available for him to use. The charcoal can coat his digestive tract and interfere with his ability to absorb nutrients from his food.

It can also affect his gut’s pH, making it easier for bacteria to grow in his stomach.

These potential problems mean that eating charcoal can lead to some gastric issues, like vomiting and diarrhea. Because it is not digested, it can cause your dog to become constipated.

What Happens When A Dog Eats Charcoal?

That can lead to abdominal discomfort and even painful cramping. If your dog eats a lot of charcoal, it could cause him to become dehydrated.

That’s because his body has to work harder to get rid of the charcoal instead of absorbing the water he drinks.

All About The Blackrock

Blackrock, or activated charcoal, is made by regularly heating charcoal until it’s carbonized.

That process causes the carbon to expand and open up millions of tiny pores in the carbon.

All About The Blackrock

Blackrock has various uses, including removing toxins from the air. It’s also used for water filtration and as a detoxifying agent.

People also sometimes take activated charcoal for digestive issues and hangovers. But there’s no evidence that it works for either of those things.

Although activated charcoal is sold as a “health product,” it’s not safe for dogs to eat.


Why Dogs Eat Charcoal?

Just like people, dogs don’t eat charcoal on purpose. It’s usually an attempt to self-treat a gastrointestinal upset like diarrhea.

Why Dogs Eat Charcoal?

Some dogs will also eat charcoal when they have a stomach infection. If they eat an ant trap that contains charcoal, they may also eat some of the charcoal inside.

Unfortunately, eating charcoal can make the problem worse. Like people, dogs can also swallow charcoal when they’re vomiting.

If they do, they can end up with an overdose of activated charcoal. That can be dangerous and even fatal if it’s not treated.


How To Make Your Dog Stop Eating Charcoal?

If you catch your dog eating charcoal before he has a chance to eat a lot of it, you may be able to stop him by interrupting his eating.

How To Make Your Dog Stop Eating Charcoal?

Put him in a crate or a room where you can close the door and keep him from eating more. If he’s already eaten a lot of it, there’s no way to “undo” the damage.

The best thing you can do is to get him to a vet. Your vet can let your dog throw up the charcoal and then give him medication to treat the gastrointestinal issues that eating charcoal can cause.


What Are The Dangers Of Dogs Eating Charcoal?

As we said, eating charcoal doesn’t hurt dogs. Now, it has no nutritional value and can’t be digested.

So, your dog won’t get any nutrients at all from it. That means that eating charcoal can make your dog more likely to become malnourished.

What Are The Dangers Of Dogs Eating Charcoal?

Eating charcoal can also cause your dog to become constipated. If your dog eats a lot of charcoal,

it can also cause diarrhea. That’s because it can interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food and lead to an overall depletion of his body’s nutrients.

Eating charcoal can even lead to dehydration in some cases, which can cause severe health issues. ↗


What Are The Symptoms Of A Dog That Ate Charcoal?

You’d probably notice the effects if your dog ate a lot of charcoal. If he ate a small amount, though, it might take a while for the symptoms to show.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Dog That Ate Charcoal?

If your dog ate charcoal, you might notice the following symptoms:

Vomiting – Your dog may vomit a black substance if he eats charcoal. If he drank water or ate food after eating the charcoal, the vomit may turn gray from the other contents of his stomach.
Diarrhea – One of the most common symptoms of a dog that eats charcoal is diarrhea. Diarrhea caused by eating charcoal can be watery and contain small amounts of blood.
Dehydration – If your dog ate a large amount of charcoal, he might become dehydrated. You can check for dehydration by lifting his tail and looking at the skin between his hind legs. If it’s dry, he’s probably fine. If it’s moist, he may be dehydrated.
Lethargy – A dog that eats a lot of charcoal may be lazy. Lethargy is one of the first signs of dehydration, so it’s essential to keep an eye on it.

How To Treat A Dog That Ate Charcoal?

If your dog ate charcoal, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet can let him throw up the charcoal and may also give him an electrolyte supplement.

If your dog ate a large amount of charcoal, your vet might want him to stay at the vet clinic for a few hours. He may also want to keep him overnight for monitoring. If your dog swallowed a lot of charcoal, your vet might want to give him activated charcoal.

That’s the same thing he ate, but with different particles in a larger dose. Your vet may also want to put him on a bland diet for a few days to help his gut heal.

Your vet may also give your dog some medications to help his gastrointestinal issues. He may even have to have a round of antibiotics to fight off any infections in his gut.


Can Activated Charcoal Hurt Dogs?

Activated charcoal is used to treat dogs that have eaten something toxic. It binds to the dog’s digestive tract toxins and helps them pass through its system.

Can Activated Charcoal Hurt Dogs

If your dog ate charcoal, you should let a vet know. But don’t give your dog activated charcoal unless a vet tells you to. Because activated charcoal is so porous, it can cause constipation and dehydration.

The other problem with activated charcoal is that it can damage your dog’s internal organs.

What’s The Difference Between Regular Charcoal And Activated Charcoal?

Regular charcoal is a form of carbon. It’s made from the same elements as fossil fuels and gasoline. Charcoal is not poisonous to dogs, but it can cause some problems if your dog gets into it.

The good news is that eating charcoal won’t hurt your dog. It doesn’t have any nutritional value and can’t be digested anyway; it passes through their system without being broken down further by their enzymes. But eating charcoal can cause problems and even gastric distress if your dog eats a lot.

On the other hand, activated charcoal is charcoal that has been processed to create millions of tiny pores in the carbon. That makes it more absorbent, which is why veterinarians use it to treat certain poisonings.

Bottom Line

As we said, eating charcoal doesn’t hurt dogs. Now, it has no nutritional value and can’t be digested. That means it can cause health issues if your dog eats it.

Dogs are prone to eating anything and everything, including things that can be harmful to them.

For example, charcoal is often used to treat pets for digestive problems like constipation or diarrhea. But activated charcoal is not safe for dogs to eat. It may affect their stomachs and their ability to absorb nutrients from their food.

Charcoal isn’t poisonous to dogs. Once it’s activated and mixed with water, it can become toxic if consumed in large amounts.

While eating charcoal won’t hurt your dog, it can cause serious side effects. A dog eating a lot of it can lead to diarrhea, dehydration, and other health problems. And if charcoal is swallowed, it can lead to an overdose.

Dogs can eat charcoal and other activated carbon-based products safely. However, because it isn’t always obvious when a dog has eaten activated charcoal, you should take him to the vet if he develops signs of distress.


Is charcoal safe for dogs?

There is debate over whether charcoal is safe for dogs, with some claiming that it can be dangerous for them. However, many believe that charcoal is a safe and healthy way to treat their dogs. If you consider giving your dog charcoal, you must speak to your veterinarian first. They will be able to advise you on whether or not it is safe for your dog based on their health and situation.

Does charcoal make dogs vomit?

Some dogs may be more sensitive to charcoal than others and may experience vomiting. However, other dogs may be able to tolerate charcoal without any issues. If you are considering giving your dog charcoal, it is best to speak with your veterinarian first to see if it suits your pet.

Amy Brown
Amy E. Brown is a licensed psychotherapist (serving and author of three self-help books. She’s also a dog rescuer in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. Her life-long love of literature and writing developed from her passion for author Jackie Collins novels. She discovered at the age of 12 that she wanted to become a published author. She is a Quora contributor who writes about mental health and addiction issues in both the United States and throughout the world. She is the owner and founder of Blamberg & Associates LLC, which is a private practice specializing in psychological and addiction issues. She has been working with physically and emotionally scarred people for over 30 years.